I have just a few pages left of Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay and I have to say that I really enjoyed it, even more than I thought I would. The first part is told in alternating chapters from the points of view of Sarah Starzynski, a 10 year old girl as her family is being rounded up in July 1942 to be sent to Auschwitz by the French police and Julia Jarmond a modern day reporter, who discovers her story. It is written, especially Sarah's portion, in a short choppy style that I at first found annoying, but then decided it worked really well because it describes how a ten year old might actually tell the story. I received a free copy from the publisher as part of their Reading Group Gold program and would highly recommend it.
You know that I can't post without also posting some of my artwork that I have been working on, even though I really should be in bed. I sent off ATCs today for the completely colorful swap, heart chunky pages, and chunky pages for a mixed media pick a theme on Mail art world. Here is a sampling:

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